Through fundraising and monetary donations, the organization can purchase sherpa throw keepsake blankets which are embroidered with the Talking Angels logo. The keepsake blankets are donated to palliative care, hospice, skilled nursing facilities and other organizations to give to patients and their families. The keepsake blanket donation is intended to be a warm and comforting gesture and a gentle reminder that you are not alone.
We want families to simply know that Talking Angels cares
and that you are not alone.

One wish was that the angels could talk.
Through this organization and blog, the angels are talking.
Chandra Fisher Heyman, Founder

Hey!! I am Maurissa, and I am an ovarian cancer overcomer (survivor). There are multiple types of ovarian cancer, and depending on when the disease is diagnosed, it is survivable. So, a little about me-I am a Cali girl, so of course I LOVE the beach. I have an introverted soul and an extroverted personality. Most days you will catch me laughing and smiling. My nieces are the loves of my life, and I spend as much time with them as I can. Although I don't watch it as much anymore, I am a die-hard SF 49ers NFL fan (yes, that last game was heartbreaking). While I would not consider myself a "foodie", I am greedy 😀 and I enjoy eating the foods that I love. I enjoy reading, shopping, sleeping, and the beautiful Cali sunshine. I also love Chandra and Talking Angels!
My cancer journey started in late 2011, when I had unexplained constipation, urinary incontinence, irregular periods, severe cramps, and occasional stomach problems. After being misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, I was eventually diagnosed with fibroids. In August 2012, I had a total hysterectomy, which included the removal of my fallopian tubes and right ovary.
“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou